Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Tale of the Socialite

To be labeled a socialite is definitely not something that I would be proud of. One shouldn’t expect my expression of gratitude if he or she happens to bestow upon me such a supposedly generous compliment because the world, i think, is already crowded, unnecessarily crammed with first ladies and their respective victims. Thus, I feel most positive in perceiving a world populated with the excrements of J.D. Salinger and other dead artists and dreamers. One can’t really be too optimistic these days, but one may be driven to imagine better years ahead if confronted by their conviction, strength and tenacity.

So there, I am done with my little, hopefully profound introduction. Actually, what really triggered this little fuss about being a socialite vis-à-vis the virtues of J.D. Salinger and his contemporaries is my submission, once again, to the lure of this mildly popular online conspiracy – the Tickle Test.

According to the innovators, creators, psychos and artists who are behind and in control of this online conspiracy, Mr. Jessie Cubijano is a Socialite! Yes, I hate to admit it but I am a socialite. But – a socialite – in the REAL sense of the word.

Now let’s take a look back at the path that led me to this present day grandiosity. The phrase ‘present day’ may be vague, often misleading because I have been, and always has been, a socialite.

Basically, I just cruised along a fifty-item instrument that inquired about the intensity of my agreement or disagreement to life-affirming and life-altering situations. The immediate result of the five-minute exercise was both breathtaking and staggering. Breathtaking because I have lived my twenty-five years in such perversity to be anything but a socialite. Staggering because my being a socialite, apparently, is a vindication of my comfort zone.

But read on, Green Creation, Romantic Kisser, because the words ahead are positioned to distort, even shatter, your conventional beliefs:

You, Socialite, are unusually warm, generous and caring. Your natural friendliness and charm mean you're great at meeting people. People sense that you won't desert them or their causes, and that kind of loyalty already places you leaps ahead of many. You've got an exceptionally active imagination, which allows you to come up with innovative ideas. Your piercing social insight probably attracts people to you naturally. The world is a better place because of you.

So what makes the Romantic Kisser a Socialite?

Socialite, your two sub-types are Golden and Thinker. You have relatively high self-esteem and very conscientious. You tend to be someone others rely on since you're responsible, dependable, and dutiful. You like to go about life with a positive attitude — both about yourself and the world around you. You're known intellectually as a careful, deliberating thinker. You are the rare being who wants nothing more than to have a positive effect on the world. Not only are you are driven to make the world smooth and efficient so that everyone can live in harmony, but you actively look for ways you can make this dream a reality.

Intellectually, Thinkers like to dig deep into a problem to solve it — even when others grow impatient and move on to other subjects. As consumers of entertainment, Thinkers enjoy media that is sentimental, peaceful, and like heartwarming stories. They are interested in books, inspirational media, self-improvement, and arts and crafts.


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